Unit 2 Topic 25
1 / 16
Regulations established under the Financial Conduct Authority require firms to make a commitment to try to resolve complaints within:
2 / 16
The Financial Services Compensation Scheme will pay out compensation to customers who have:
3 / 16
What is the effect of the final response letter for a customer who is in the process of making a complaint about a financial services product they have bought?
4 / 16
Which one of the following is NOT true in relation to the rules relating to the Financial Ombudsman Service?
5 / 16
Which one of the following is FALSE regarding complaints referred to an Ombudsman?
6 / 16
Jason has just made a complaint alleging that his personal pension plan was mis-sold to him. He has complained to the pension company initially and has received a final response letter. Who should he now take this complaint to?
7 / 16
David’s car insurer has gone out of business and he has lost £2,000 on his compulsory third party policy. How much compensation if any may he be entitled to receive from the FSCS?
8 / 16
The Pensions Ombudsman may deal with unresolved complaints in respect of:
9 / 16
Which of the following claims would be covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme?
10 / 16
John held deposits with Bank A and Bank B and they were both declared insolvent on 1 May 2018. The FSCS paid a higher amount of compensation for his holdings with Bank A because:
11 / 16
Which one of the following is NOT one of the areas covered by the rules on unfairness as detailed in the Consumer Rights Act 2015?
12 / 16
Jane opens a deposit account with the Moorland Building Society and deposits £10,000. She is worried about the money if the building society goes out of business. If this were to happen, how much would she receive from the Financial Services Compensation Scheme?
13 / 16
On the insolvency of an authorised investment firm, the MAXIMUM that could be paid out to an individual investor from the Financial Services Compensation Scheme would be:
14 / 16
Ruth lost £90,000 when a UK investment firm became insolvent. What is the MAXIMUM amount that the Financial Services Compensation Scheme will pay her in compensation?
15 / 16
The Financial Ombudsman Service deals with unresolved complaints in respect of:
16 / 16
Which of the following statements best describes the situation applying where a contract is found to contain a term that is deemed to be unfair?
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