Unit 1 Topic 17
1 / 22
Which one of the following BEST describes the reason why the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 was introduced?
2 / 22
Individuals who are allowed to carry out certain functions in relation to a firm’s regulated activities are often referred to as:
3 / 22
Which of the following is NOT one of the FCA’s operational objectives?
4 / 22
The Financial Conduct Authority’s single strategic objective is to:
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Which one of the following contained within the FCA Handbook is binding on authorised firms?
6 / 22
Who has prudential responsibility for deposit takers and insurers?
7 / 22
What was the main driver for the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000?
8 / 22
When did mortgages become regulated?
9 / 22
One of the operational objectives of the Financial Conduct Authority is to:
10 / 22
Which one of the following is NOT covered by the Financial Conduct Authority’s Principles for Business?
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Which one of the following is NOT one of the Financial Conduct Authority’s Principles for Business with which a firm must comply?
12 / 22
Knowingly giving out false information to influence the price of shares for personal gain is known as:
13 / 22
In which sourcebook does the FCA Handbook cover standards for stockbrokers and financial market traders?
14 / 22
In relation to how a firm deals with its regulator, which one of the following is NOT defined within the Principles of Business? A firm must:
15 / 22
The FCA considers that responsibility for the fair treatment of consumers lies with which of the following?
16 / 22
The second key Principle of Business as defined by the regulator is that firms must act with skill, care and
17 / 22
Which of the following is NOT one of the Financial Conduct Authority’s Principles of Business with which a firm must comply?
18 / 22
In seeking to promote competition, the FCA uses its power to ensure all of the following except which of the following:
19 / 22
In which sourcebook does the FCA Handbook cover investor complaints and compensation?
20 / 22
There are three main areas of financial crime that the FCA seeks to control. Which one of the following is the exception?
21 / 22
The FCA has powers under the Competition Act 1998 and the Enterprise Act 2002, meaning in respect of competition, it is a concurrent regulator with the:
22 / 22
A situation where individuals use information about a company that is not generally available to deal for their own financial advantage’ is a definition of:
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